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Scientific achievements / Dr. Emmanuel Pameté


  1. Participation in Scientific projects



“Effect of ionic liquid confinement in carbon nanopores on electric double-layer charging” funded by the Polish National Science Centre (CNC).

As stipendee (PhD Student) from 01/12/2017 to 30/11/2021



“Lithium-ion capacitors utilizing novel carbon materials” in collaboration with National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, funded by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR).

As scientific research assistant from 01/12/2019 to 31/12/2020

2. Research work


  • Development of nano-carbons with controlled porosity and surface functionality for low-temperature applications on electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs).

  • Formulation of binary and ternary mixtures of ILs with extended liquid range (not exhibiting any first order transition, only devitrification) down to ~ -100 °C

  • Measurement of the thermal and physico-chemical properties (density, viscosity and conductivity) of ILs at low-temperature.

  • Determination of the electrochemical parameters of two-electrode self-made pouch cells implementing nanoarchitectured carbon electrodes and IL electrolytes in a wide temperature range from +20°C to -50°C, using cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge/discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

  • Chemical modification of carbon surfaces for energy storage and conversion systems.

  • Development of a cost affordable hybrid capacitor with anthraquinone-grafted carbon as battery-type electrode operating in low pH aqueous salt (BeSO4) solution.

  • Testing of high voltage electrode materials and lithium salts from which lithium is extracted electrochemically


3. Publications



4. Oral presentations at international conferences


9/ Patryk Przygocki, Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Gorska and François Béguin, Carbon-based hybrid capacitors in environmentally friendly aqueous electrolyte competing with EDLCs in organic electrolyte, The 10th Asian conference on Electrochemical Power Sources: November 24th to 27th, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2019.


8/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska and François Béguin, Low temperature performance of carbon/carbon EDLCs down to -50 °C in ionic liquid binary mixture , 8th international conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection(CESEP’19): October 20th to 24th, Alicante, Spain 2019. 


7/ Patryk Przygocki, Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Gorska and François Béguin, How next generations of electrochemical capacitors can be developed with help of carbon porosity? ; 8th international conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection (CESEP’19): October 20th to 24th, Alicante, Spain 2019.


6/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska and François Béguin, Low temperature (-50 °C) extended operation of ionic liquid-based EDLCs by implementing binary mixtures and carbons with optimised porous texture, the 10th edition of the Journées de Chimie Analytique: September 04th to 06th, Yaoundé, Cameroon 2019.


5/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska, Vladimir Pavlenko and François Béguin, Low temperature (-50 °C) extended operation of ionic liquid-based EDLCs by implementing binary mixtures and carbons with optimised porous texture, 70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: August 04th to 09th, Durban, South Africa 2019.

4/ Paula Ratajczak, Barbara Górska, Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Patryk Przygocki, Elżbieta Frackowiak, François Béguin, Electrochemical energy storage with nanoporous carbons, The World Conference on Carbon Lexington (Carbon 2019), KY, July 14–19, USA 2019


3/ Vladimir Pavlenko, Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska and François Béguin, Effect of ionic liquids confinement  in carbon nanopores on their thermal properties, Satellite Symposium to CARBON 2019: Beyond Adsorption II, 20th July, New York City, USA 2019.


2/ Barbara Górska, Emmanuel Pameté Yambou and François Béguin, Remarkable low temperature performance of carbon/carbon EDLCs  in ionic liquid binary mixture, 06th International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors: May 06th to 10th, Nantes, France 2019.


1/ V. Pavlenko, E. Pameté Yambou, B. Górska, F. Béguin, Effect of ionic liquid confinement in carbon nanopores on electrical double-layer charging,  MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY® Spring Meeting: April 22nd to 26th, Phoenix, Arizona, USA 2019.


5. Poster presentations at international conferences


8/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska, Paula Ratajczak and François Béguin, Hybrid Capacitor with Anthraquinone-Grafted Carbon as Battery-Type Electrode Operating in Low pH Aqueous Salt Solution, 71st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: August 31st to September 04th, Belgrade Online, Belgrade, Serbia.


7/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou and François Béguin, Reduction of faradaic contributions in carbon/carbon cells using a “water-in-salt” electrolyte, 71st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: August 31st to September 04th, Belgrade Online, Belgrade, Serbia.


6/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska and François Béguin, Hybrid capacitor with anthraquinone grafted carbon operating in low pH aqueous salt solution as faradaic battery-like component, 08th international conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection (CESEP’19): October 20th to 24th, Alicante, Spain 2019.


5/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Qamar Abbas and François Béguin, Effect of lithium hydration degree on carbon electrodes performance in “water-in-salt” electrolyte, the 10th edition of the Journées de Chimie Analytique: September 04th to 06th, Yaoundé, Cameroon 2019.


4/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska and François Béguin, Anthraquinone-grafted carbon electrode as faradaic battery-like component for hybrid capacitor operating in low pH aqueous salt solution, the 10th edition of the Journées de Chimie Analytique: September 04th to 06th, Yaoundé, Cameroon 2019.


3/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska and François Béguin, Hybrid capacitor based on a faradaic anthraquinone-grafted carbon electrode operating in low pH aqueous salt solution, 70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: August 04th to 09th, Durban, South Africa 2019.


2/ Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Barbara Górska and François Béguin, Anthraquinone grafted carbon as negative electrode for hybrid capacitor operating in low pH aqueous salt solution, 06th International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors: May 06th to 10th, Nantes, France 2019.

1/ Qamar Abbas, Emmanuel Pameté Yambou, Paula Ratajczak, François Béguin, 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry : September 02nd to 07th, Bologna, Italy 2018

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